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Day 102: The Holy Spirit’s Mission

April 12, 2023 English Audio Bible 0

The working of the Holy Spirit in and through Mary and the Son is a pivotal part of God’s plan of salvation. The Catechism today reveals to us how the Holy Spirit prepared Mary to fulfill the Father’s plan and manifest the Son to humanity. We also learn how the Holy Spirit and the Son work together in a joint mission. Finally, Fr. Mike highlights how Mary’s humility is essential to her role as the “masterwork of the mission of the Son and the Spirit in the fullness of time.” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 721-730.

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Day 101: Expecting the Messiah

April 11, 2023 English Audio Bible 0

Fr. Mike continues to explore the joint mission of the Word and Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. Together, we unpack how the Holy Spirit has been moving the prophets, particularly the prophet Isaiah. We learn how the characteristics of the Messiah are revealed, above all, in the “Servant Songs.” We also examine the Holy Spirit’s role in John the Baptist recognizing Christ as Messiah, even from within the womb. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 711-720.

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Day 100: God’s Word and Spirit

April 10, 2023 English Audio Bible 0

Together with Fr. Mike, we unpack the joint mission of God’s Word and the Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. Fr. Mike emphasizes the Spirit’s role in creation, the theophanies, and the Law. We conclude today’s reflection with an examination of the prefiguration of the Church in the exile of the people of God in the Old Testament. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 702-710.

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Day 99: Symbols of the Holy Spirit

April 9, 2023 English Audio Bible 0

Fr. Mike explores the different symbols the faithful use when discussing the Holy Spirit, such as fire, water, and anointing. We examine how these symbols help us more fully apprehend the person of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Mike unpacks the meaning of each symbol, as well as each symbol’s connection to the Old Testament. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 694-701.

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Day 98: The Son and the Spirit

April 8, 2023 English Audio Bible 0

Fr. Mike continues to examine the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit’s mission. We explore the joint mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit. When the Son and the Spirit act, they act together. Fr. Mike emphasizes that though the Son and the Spirit are two distinct persons, they are inseparable. We also examine the proper name of the Holy Spirit and the different titles we use for the Holy Spirit. Today’s readings from the Catechism are paragraphs 689-693.

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Day 97: Introduction to the Holy Spirit

April 7, 2023 English Audio Bible 0

Together, with Fr. Mike, we begin our examination of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit, and how God reveals himself as the Holy Spirit in our lives. Fr. Mike emphasizes the words of St. Irenaeus that, “in order to be touched by Christ, we must first be touched by the Holy Spirit.” We also explore eight ways the Catechism lays out for us to be able to understand the Holy Spirit. Today’s readings are Catechism Paragraphs 683-688.

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Day 96: The Church’s Ultimate Trial

April 6, 2023 English Audio Bible 0

The Catechism concludes the section on The Son with an examination of the final trial and judgment that will happen before Christ’s Second Coming. This final trial will involve the “supreme religious deception” of the Antichrist, a deception that has already been present at various times in human history. Fr. Mike emphasizes that apostasy is a dramatic turning away from what we hold to be true. He reminds us that no other person can usher in the Messianic Age other than Christ. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 675-682.